The X-Files: Duane Barry Episode 2x05 Original Air Date 10/14/94 Written by Chris Carter Directed by Chris Carter GUEST CAST: STEVE RAILSBACK as Duane Barry C.C.H. POUNDER as Agent Kazdin NICHOLAS LEA as Alex Krycek FRANK C. TURNER as Dr. Hakkie WILLIAM B. DAVIS as the Cigarette-Smoking Man (I never saw him) STEPHEN E. MILLER as the Tactical Commander FRED HENDERSON as Agent Rich BARBARA POLLARD as Gwen SARAH STRANGE as Kimberly ROBERT LEWIS as the Officer MICHAEL DOBSON as Marksman #2 TOSCA BAGGOO as the Clerk TIM DIXON as Bob PRINCE MARYLAND as Agent Janus JOHN SAMPSON as Marksman #1 SCENE I Pulaski, Virginia, June 3, 1985 We open onto a night flashback scene at Duane Barry's house. From the looks of it the house is half destroyed or in the process of being remodeled; there is debris everywhere, walls are missing, and it looks almost uninhabited. Duane Barry's dog wanders over to get a drink of water, and the camera follows the dog back to the "bedroom" which is a mattress where Duane Barry is asleep amid the TV's blaring. The TV becomes staticy and we see small aliens approach the bed. Duane Barry screams that he can't breathe and pleads with the aliens not to take him again. There is a bright light, and as the camera moves outside, we see light washing out from every window and going upwards in a column to the alien ship in the sky. SCENE II Davis Correctional Treatment Facility Marion, Virginia Present Day A guard is walking Duane Barry down the hallway to Dr. Hakkie's office. Barry looks uncomfortable but takes a seat. They talk about Barry's treatment and his resistance to taking his medicine. Barry speaks of himself in the first person, telling the Dr he's not crazy like the other guys. He insists that "they're" coming for him again and the Dr decides to medicate him, saying that Barry needs to get some sleep. When the Dr turns and walks over to the medicine cabinet, Duane Barry grabs a fountain pen from the Dr.'s desk and slips out of the office before the Dr can stop him. Though his hands are bound, Barry manages to attack a guard, stabbing him with the pen and grabbing his gun. Now on the scene once again, the Dr tries to calm him, to stop him, but Duane Barry takes Dr Hakkie hostage. SCENE III Washington, D.C. August 7, 1994 Alex Krycek is looking down over the Bureau's Olympic sized pool. Dressed in a dark suit, white shirt and wide striped tie, he looks pensive, pausing there a moment, watching Mulder who's swimming laps in the pool below. Krycek approaches the pool. He raises his voice to Mulder who's head is in the water. KRYCEK: Agent Mulder? MULDER: Krycek, what's up? (Mulder pulls himself out of the pool. His goggles are around his neck and he's wearing a red Speedo. Agent Mulder dresses left.) KRYCEK: There's a situation going down. They want you out there right away. MULDER: What kind of situation? (Mulder grabs a striped towel and begins to towel off.) KRYCEK: Hostage negotiation. MULDER: And they want me? (His hair stands up on end as he runs the towel over it.) KRYCEK: Yeah. MULDER: What for? KRYCEK: The guy escaped a mental institution. He's got four people at gunpoint in an office building, claims he's being controlled by aliens. SCENE IV: Downtown Richmond, Virginia August 7, 1994 Scene four opens onto a view of the square outside the Travel Time travel agency where Duane Barry is holding four people hostage. A sharpshooter in black has his gun trained on the front of the travel agency. Mulder and Krycek pull up in what looks to be a late model maroon sedan. Krycek gets out of the drivers side, introduces himself as "Agent Krycek, FBI" to the police officer nearest to him. The officer points to a building across the way and Krycek and Mulder head off running across the square. They enter the makeshift command center, filled with noise and motion. The camera pans to Agent Kazdin, a formidable looking woman in her forties. She sees the men enter and walks over Briskly. KAZDIN: Agent Mulder? MULDER: Yeah. (Kazdin addresses Mulder, ignoring Krycek who is at his side.) KAZDIN: Lucy Kazdin, negotiations commander. Thanks for coming. Let me show you what we've got here.(She pulls a blackboard around and refers to it. There is a great deal of writing on the board, including the names of the hostages and the words 'honesty', 'containment,' and 'conciliation' in big bold letters.) His name's Duane Barry. He's armed with a nine millimeter Smith & Wesson handgun, one nine-round magazine. It is our belief he's prepared to use the gun and not afraid to die. MULDER: What does he want? KAZDIN: Safe passage for himself and his original hostage, a shrink named Hakkie. MULDER: Passage to where? KAZDIN: He's bent on taking the Dr with him to an alien abduction site, only he can't quite remember where the site is so he stopped at a travel agency. MULDER: Is he lucid? KAZDIN: Yes, but he's off his medication so he's manic, ranting about [scoot?] marks on his body, homing devices, a lot of other nonsense. MULDER: Like what? KAZDIN: This whole alien abduction business, which I guess you know something about. MULDER: Yeah, yeah, but I've never been in a hostage negotiation before. KAZDIN: We'll take you through it. (She indicates another agent, and only, slightly paunchy man with a kind face) Agent Rich is our advisory commander. He and I will be coaching you. (Kazdin steps back, and Agent Rich comes to the foreground.) AR: What Mr Barry needs right now is a friend, someone who appears to understand him and can appeal to his sense of reason. (Mulder nods.) MULDER: Do we know anything about his abduction experience? (Agent Rich raises his eyebrows and defers to Kazdin.) KAZDIN: You really believe in this stuff, Agent Mulder? MULDER: Is that a problem? KAZDIN: (pauses) We're here to save lives, you'll begin negotiations immediately. Every three hours we'll re-evaluate your progress and let out tactical commander advise and update on the use of force. (Mulder nods, and Kazdin walks away, stepping between Mulder and Agent Krycek who's been standing to Mulder's right, off screen. Krycek looks over at Mulder, who turns to follow Kazdin. Mulder catches up to her at a small table and speaks softly but earnestly.) MULDER: If this man is an abductee I need to know more about him - - his personal history, each abduction case is different. KAZDIN: That material has not been made available to us. MULDER: (irritated) And nobody's thought to call the hospital for records? KAZDIN: Look, Agent Mulder. The guy's a psycho. Your object is to keep him on the phone. The longer you do, the more chance he's not going to kill anybody. We stop to do a Freudian analysis, next thing you know we've got four dead hostages. So whatever crap you gotta make up about space men or UFOs, just keep him on the phone. SCENE V: In this scene we see shots of the travel agency interspersed with shots of the command center. Inside of the travel agency, the three agency employees/hostages cower, the fourth hostage, Dr. Hakkie, is tied in a chair, and he tries to calm Barry, telling him not to hurt anyone. Duane Barry says he doesn't intend to hurt anyone, but that the Dr will be coming with him to the abduction site, and then he'll see that what Barry was asserting about the aliens is real. Back in the command center, Mulder is seated at a table on the phone. Krycek is standing behind Mulder, his jacket off and his hands on his hips. Krycek and the other agents stand around the table, listening intently as Mulder tries to build rapport. Barry can see Mulder in the command room through the window. He tells Mulder he knows the routine, reciting the words 'honesty,' 'containment' and 'conciliation,' and Mulder realizes that Barry is ex- FBI. When the call ends, Mulder turns to Kazdin angrily, asking her about Barry, and she admits to knowing he's a former Agent .She tells Mulder Barry's been out of the FBI since 1982, and that most of his time since then has been spent in institutions. Mulder looks annoyed. Agent Rich reiterates that the hostage negotiation method they're using has proven effective in the past, but Mulder disagrees, asserting that the only way to gain Barry's trust is by trying to understand what he's afraid of. He tells them a little about the horrific experiences recounted by alleged abductees. Then he walks off, angry, almost walking through Krycek who's been standing off-screen behind Mulder and watching throughout the exchange. Krycek approaches Kazdin. KRYCEK: Is there anything I can do? KAZDIN: Yeah, what's your name again? KRYCEK: Krycek. KAZDIN: Krycek. Have you got your notepad? (Krycek nods, pulls out pad.) KAZDIN: Grande 2% cappuccino with vanilla. Agent Rich? (Rich declines, and Krycek puts his notepad away with a wry little grin. It's hard to tell if he's amused or annoyed, possibly a little of both.) SCENE VI: Scully is at home watching TV coverage of the hostage situation when Mulder calls. He asks her to look into Duane Barry's background, and just then the power at the command center goes out. Outside, we see that power is going out all around the square. There is a lot of commotion as the different teams of Agents try to determine if the power outage is a deliberate tactical move. It isn't. There is a bright light. We hear four or five gunshots. Mass confusion ensues. SCENE VII: The power is still out, and with the exception of emergency floodlights, stays out throughout the rest of the episode. Agent Kazdin states that an electrical substation blew and there is no power up and down the block. Mulder calls Barry, and tries to find out what's happened. We see that the male hostage has been shot, and Barry tells Mulder. "I guess we're going to need a doctor." Next we see Mulder being readied in a paramedics suit, preparing to go into the travel agency. He's strapped into a flack vest, and they glue a tiny device in his left ear, labeled as a Mid Aural Implant Receiver. The tactical commander briefs Mulder, telling him the implant will cost him almost all ambient hearing in that ear, and that sudden movements may make him dizzy. They also fit him with a small wireless mic hidden in his vest. They move through the room, with Alex and another Agent following close behind. Kazdin gives Mulder his final instructions. KAZDIN: Your job is to deliver medical help to the hostage, anything else is just a bonus. You're to get in and get out, you are not to risk your own life, and whatever you believe MULDER: --don't jump into his delusions. I can't negotiate with him if he thinks I believe him. KAZDIN: Right. Mulder goes into the travel agency with a real medic whose name is Janus. Barry pats them down thoroughly, and we see the action in the travel agency along with scenes of the activities back in the command center. Krycek and the other Agents are leaning over the table where Kazdin sits as she talks to Mulder and gives him advice via the aural implant. In the travel agency, we see that Dr Hakkie is now gagged. Mulder talks to Barry as Janus works on the injured hostage. Mulder asks Barry to release the women, then goes about trying to win Barry's trust. He mentions the bright light, asks Barry if that was "them." Mulder also mentions lost time, and Barry is getting more and more agitated, he keeps flashing to scenes of that night(s) at his house when the aliens came for him. Barry is panting and sweaty and looks scared to death, but Mulder pushes at him anyway, saying he believes Barry's story. Kazdin tells Mulder not to do this, not to feed into Barry's psychosis. The medic, Janus, comes up to Mulder and tells him the hostage will die if they don't get him to a hospital. Mulder appeals to Barry, "You've got the power let him go." Barry lets the wounded man and Janus go, but takes Mulder hostage in exchange. He ties Mulder into a chair, and Mulder continues to prod at him, recounting what happened to his sister Samantha when she was eight. Kazdin looks upset, she's convinced that Mulder is going to push Duane Barry over the edge. They begin working to insert a camera in the wall of the travel agency from an adjoining wall. Barry continues to see flashbacks in response to Mulder's words. We see Barry's memories as he remembers himself floating upwards and off his bed, floating up into the light as the aliens look on. There are flashes of light, Barry describes his experience to Mulder, claiming he could hear the aliens talking without speaking. Recounting this, he's very near the edge, screaming and shaking: "They drilled holes in my damn teeth!!!" The scene closes on an image of Barry, restrained on an alien table, his face held immobile and his mouth open as a device lowers from the "ceiling" and a laser drills into his mouth. He screams. SCENE VIII: Back at the command center we see an Agent answer the phone. AGENT: Who here can talk to an Agent Scully? In the background, Agent Krycek hands off a carryout tray of coffees to another Agent and comes over to take the phone. KRYCEK: Agent Scully, it's Alex Krycek. SCULLY: Where's Mulder? KRYCEK: He's in with Duane Barry. SCULLY: What? KRYCEK: He traded himself for one of the hostages. SCULLY: You've got to get him out of there. KRYCEK: They're working on it. SCULLY: No, you've got to get him out of there now or he's going to be killed. KRYCEK: How can you be sure? SCULLY: Because Duane Barry is not what Mulder thinks he is. Fade out on an image of Scully's computer screen where she's pulled up Barry's FBI Personnel Record. SCENE IX: Mulder continues to negotiate with Barry, telling him about his sister, and Barry admits that he's seen young girls "there." While they're talking, Mulder notices the drilling in the wall where the FBI is trying to install the camera, and keeps talking to distract Barry. With a feral gleam in his eyes, Mulder suggests Barry take him to be abducted instead of Dr Hakkie. Barry says no, he won't do that to Mulder. SCENE X: Command has now established visual contact with the travel agency, and Agent Kazdin is being briefed on the positions of Barry and the hostages when we hear Scully arguing with an Agent in the command room. AGENT: Hold on a second SCULLY: (angry) No, I don't think you understand what I'm telling you. I just flew down from Washington --. AGENT: Look, we've got a situation here in progress SCULLY: Alright, then let me talk to someone who's in charge. AGENT: You are. (Krycek hears Scully and comes over) KRYCEK: Calm down, Scully. (Krycek puts a hand on her back in a comforting gesture, she is not comforted) SCULLY: Don't tell me to calm down. I'm not going to calm down until I can talk to someone who will listen to what I'm saying. (Agent Kazdin hears this exchange and now she comes over.) KAZDIN: What's the problem here? SCULLY: I'm Special Agent Dana Scully, and I have information that is vital to your negotiations. KAZDIN: What information? SCULLY: I think there has been a critical misjudgment here, this man who claims to be under the control of aliens, his, his mental health history describes a rare state of psychosis. (Scully shows the assembled Agents Barry's charts. Through this Krycek is leaning over looking on intently.) SCULLY: As you can see from his medical records, in 1982 Duane Barry was shot in the line of duty, the bullet piercing his bilateral frontal lobes. KAZDIN: Right. SCULLY: The injury left him nearly incapable of functioning in society. It effectively destroyed the moral center of his brain. Now, almost one hundred years ago there was a famous case, a man named Gage had a blasting rod pierce the same region. KAZDIN: What effect did it have? SCULLY: He became a pathological liar suffering from severe delusions. His behavior was characterized as bizarre and violent with a tendency to act out his fantasies. KAZDIN: How did you get involved in this case? SCULLY: Agent Mulder called me, we used to work together. KAZDIN: Well, if this is true, he's got your former partner completely fooled. SCULLY: Is there a way I can reach him with this information? SCENE XI: Barry tells Mulder more about the aliens. He claims the government knows what's going on. Mulder asks who knows, but Barry doesn't really answer. Then Mulder tries to find out what Barry intends to do, where he intends to go. He tells Barry he can't leave until he knows where he's going. Barry just keeps saying he wants to go back to the place where he was first taken. "Ascending… ascending to the stars." Mulder asks how the aliens find Barry who tells him they track him by implants they put in his gums, sinus cavities and his belly. Scully gets on the headphones and tells Mulder about Barry's past, she tells him he must start trying to resolve this, that Barry is irrational and likely to go off at any moment. Scully informs Mulder that unless he can get Barry to release the hostages HRT will enact a tactical plan. Mulder convinces Barry to release the women, and as one woman is leaving she tells Barry she believes his story. Once outside, the women are hurried away by special forces men in black. Tactical moves in, and at this point one of the men's guns shines its red bead of light on Barry's neck they have a shot at him, but Mulder calls out to Barry, deliberately making him move out of the line of fire. MULDER: There's something I want to ask you. You didn't believe me, I had to earn your trust. Now there's something I gotta know. Are you making any of this up? DUANE BARRY: (very agitated and looking homicidal) You, uh, calling Duane Barry a liar now? MULDER: No. DUANE BARRY: You think I'm making it all up? MULDER: No, I don't. I'm sorry They yell at each other, Duane Barry is furious and Mulder tries to backpedal and reassure. Mulder looks terrified as Barry grabs him and pulls him up. The camera cuts to the command center and we hear the audio feed from the travel agency go out. Back in the travel agency, Mulder looks terrified, he finally gets Barry to listen to him, and in order to get Barry back in the line of fire, frantically reminds him that when the women left he forgot to lock the door. Duane Barry goes to the door. We see the red bead of light on the left side of his chest and we hear a shot. Barry falls. SCENE XII: Fade in on Barry's fuzzy perspective as he lies on a gurney while being worked over by the paramedics and put in the back of an ambulance. Scully and Mulder look on, and Mulder looks both upset and lost in thought. SCULLY: Whatever you're feeling, you did the right thing. MULDER: I know, it's just that I believed him. SCULLY: Sometimes when you want to believe so badly you end up looking too hard. SCENE XIII: Jefferson Memorial Hospital Richmond, Virginia Agent Kazdin is talking to a policeman in the hospital corridor as Mulder approaches. She thanks Mulder for coming and also thanks him for putting himself on the line. Mulder smiles and tells her he thought she'd summoned him for a reprimand. Then he asks about Barry, who he's told is critical but stabilized. Kazdin tells Mulder that Duane Barry's record was exemplary, and after he was shot he lost his wife, kids, and home. Mulder comments: "The fine thread of sanity." In Barry's room, Kazdin admits there's another reason she asked him to come; they've found metal fragments in Barry's sinus cavities, gums and abdomen. She goes on to tell Mulder that a dentist was brought in to examine Barry, and they've found tiny drill holes in his left and right rear molars. The dentist claims that there is no equipment currently in use capable of drilling such fine holes without ruining his teeth. SCENE XIV: Scully and Mulder are sitting around a desk [Mulder's desk?]. They discuss the possibilities relating to the case. Scully suggests that since Barry was a Vietnam veteran, the metal "implants" could be shrapnel. Scully says she'll go down to ballistics and find out one way or the other. SCENE XV: FBI Headquarters Washington, D.C. Scully takes the shrapnel which rests inside a clear little vial to ballistics for testing. The technician feels it could be a shell casing or a small artillery fragment, but on closer inspection under magnification, it looks as if the edges of the fragment have been "etched" or "tooled" with very fine bar lines. SCENE XVI: Scully is in the checkout line of a grocery store. She writes a check for her purchases and then the cashier cashes out her drawer. When the cashier walks away, almost as an afterthought Scully pulls out the "implant" and runs it over the scanner. The scanner bleeps and whirs and a long series of numbers and symbols flash across the register display. SCENE XVII: The camera pans over the medical equipment in Duane Barry's room. Barry wakes, scared, and we can see small grayish alien bodies and hands behind the curtain that cordons off his side of the room. Barry jumps out of the bed and goes to the door, wanting to escape the aliens. The police officer outside is not paying attention, and Barry is able to hit him with a fire extinguisher and escape. He runs away down the hall. SCENE XVIII: Later that night and back at home now, Scully calls Mulder and gets his machine. She starts to leave him a message. MACHINE: Hello, this is Fox Mulder. Leave a message, please. SCULLY: Mulder, it's me. I just had something incredibly strange happen. That piece of metal that they took out of Duane Barry has some kind of code on it. I ran it through a scanner and some kind of serial number came up. What the hell is this thing, Mulder? It's almost as if, it's almost as if somebody was using it to catalogue him. (Scully hears a thumping sound over by the window. She goes to look out, and when she opens the blinds she sees Duane Barry standing there. Next comes the sounds of screaming and breaking glass. SCULLY: (to phone) Mulder, I need your help, Mulder… Mulder Scene ends on a To Be Continued screen.